Buying Music Rights

Buying music rights can be a complicated and drawn out process. If you have never been involved in this process before, it can be fairly daunting and sometimes is best left to the professionals. If you would like to try and handle this process yourself, we have a few tips that can help you along the way. Music is an extremely influential art form that everyone appreciates and interacts with. When you are purchasing music rights for either your company or yourself as an individual, you always need to keep the sound that you want in focus. What do we mean by this? Well it’s simple, music tell stories through lyrics and sound and in order to accurately convey your story. Marketing is all about telling a story and you have to keep that story strong and clear, tailor your sound to what you truly hear in your mind and then you will be ready to select your song. When get ready to purchase a license for a song, it is important to note that there are two types of licenses for recordings, a master recording license and a publishing license. The master recording license refers to the recording that is generated by an artist and a producer, when an original recording is produced. The publishing license or sync license is generated when the song is composed. Another important top to consider when purchasing a license, is how you plan on using this particular song. For example, will you be playing the song in television commercials, on the local radio stations, on podcasts, on youtube, on your website. All of these advertising formats have to be considered, even down to the locations of where you plan on having this song play. Finally, you may want to consider exclusivity when purchasing music rights, for example how much exclusivity do you want to have for this particular song. You may want to purchase the song so that no one else can use this song for a particular period of time, or you may want to purchase it so that only certain industries are not allowed to use the song. One last note. Keep your budget realistic, if you are using this for advertising, make sure that you account for everything while preparing to purchase a particular license.

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